The graphene-light interaction in a waveguide can be optimized through the waveguide design. In the case of nonlinear optical devices, such as saturable absorbers, this optimization requires knowle…
We consider derivatives written on multiple underlyings in a one-period financial market, and we are interested in the computation of model-free upper and lower bounds for their arbitrage-free pric…
Merek adalah salah satu komponen strategi yang secara langsung dapat menciptakan nilai baik bagi konsumen maupun bagi perusahaan. Secara umum, merek dapat dilihat dari dua perspektif utama, yaitu…
Dengan melihat tersedianya berbagai alternatif pilihan instrumen investasi di pasar modal, tantangan yang dihadapi oleh Dana Pensiun saat ini adalah bagaimana menyusun porto folio investasi yang da…
Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) is an emerging paradigm, whereby virtualized network infrastructure elements from different vendors communicate via open, standardized interfaces. A key element th…
With the growing demand for network connectivity and diversity of network applications, one primary challenge that network service providers are facing is managing the commitments for Service Level…
One of the most prominent attributes of Neural Networks (NNs) constitutes their capability of learning to extract robust and descriptive features from high dimensional data, like images. Hence, suc…
Analog beamforming is a key technology to enable millimeter-wave (mm-wave) mobile communications. Nonetheless, the most widespread beamforming solutions are based on electrical implementation, whic…