To simultaneously estimate the number of heads and locate heads with bounding boxes, we resort to detection-based crowd counting by leveraging RGB-D data and design a dual-path guided detection net…
Video Anomaly detection in videos refers to the identification of events that do not conform to expected behavior. However, almost all existing methods cast this problem as the minimization of reco…
Spherical images or videos, as typical non-euclidean data, are usually stored in the form of 2D panoramas obtained through an equirectangular projection, which is neither equal area nor conformal. …
We tackle human image synthesis, including human motion imitation, appearance transfer, and novel view synthesis, within a unified framework. It means that the model, once being trained, can be use…
Nearly all existing visual saliency models by far have focused on predicting a universal saliency map across all observers. Yet psychology studies suggest that visual attention of different observe…