We develop a general simulation-based inference procedure for partially specified models. Our procedure is based on matching auxiliary statistics to simulated counterparts where nuisance parameters…
We propose a new approach to the problem of high-dimensional multivariate ANOVA via bootstrapping max statistics that involve the differences of sample mean vectors. The proposed method proceeds vi…
CNN-based salient object detection (SOD) methods achieve impressive performance. However, the way semantic information is encoded in them and whether they are category-agnostic is less explored. On…
In this article, we conduct a comprehensive study on the co-salient object detection (CoSOD) problem for images. CoSOD is an emerging and rapidly growing extension of salient object detection (SOD)…
In this paper, to accurately characterize the low inter-mode coupling of the weakly-coupled few mode fibers (FMFs), we propose a modified inter-mode coupling characterization method based on swept-…
We consider estimation of mean and covariance functions of functional snippets, which are short segments of functions possibly observed irregularly on an individual specific subinterval that is muc…
We study a scalar-on-function truncated linear regression model which assumes that the functional predictor does not influence the response when the time passes a certain cutoff point. We approach …