Keluaran IPAL Pabrik Jamu PT X sering tidak memenuhi baku mutu ketika aliran air limbah ekstraksi melewati sistem pengolahan yang sudah ada. Semakin tinggi dan bervariasinya permintaan pasar terhad…
A problem for a nanosized penny-shaped material surface attached to the boundary of an elastic isotropic semi-space is considered. An axisymmetric normal traction is applied to a material surface. …
We demonstrate, for a widely used model of channels with polarization-dependent loss (PDL), that channel capacity is achieved by a simple interference cancellation scheme in conjunction with a univ…
Problem definition: We study the adherence to the recommendations of a decision support system (DSS) for clearance markdowns at Zara, the Spanish fast fashion retailer. Our focus is on behavioral d…
This article considers reliable and secure spectrum sensing (SS) based on federated learning (FL) in the cognitive radio (CR) environment. Motivation, architectures, and algorithms of FL in SSare d…
Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan tentang perubahan Atas Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 922/MENKES/SK/X/1993 tentang Ketentuan dan Tata Cara Pemberian Izin Apotek menyebabkan kemudahan perijinan dan…