All life on Earth is related, so that some molecular interactions are common across almost all living cells, with the number of common interactions increasing as we look at more closely related spe…
Diversity is one of the most important properties in image captioning, as it reflects various expressions of important concepts presented in an image. However, the most popular metrics cannot well …
Pemberlakuan asas retroaktif dalam kasus pelanggaran berat HAM telah menimbulkan kontroversi dan perdebatan di kalangan ahli hukum. Di satu sisi, ada pihak yang menolak pemberlakuan asas retroakt…
The complexity of human cancer often results in significant heterogeneity in response to treatment. Precision medicine offers the potential to improve patient outcomes by leveraging this heterogene…
Dewasa ini, kemajuan teknologi yang pesat sangat mudah untuk dirasakan. Salah satu teknologi yang terus dikembangkan adalah internet, yang setiap tahun peminatnya selalu meningkat. Internet diang…
The entrepreneurship ecosystem plays as supporting, driving, or even limiting roles for someone to become an entrepreneur. There are three main components in the GEM research model, namely the entr…