In this paper, we study the learning problem in contextual search, which is motivated by applications such as crowdsourcing and personalized medicine experiments. In particular, for a sequence of a…
Multiview stereopsis (MVS) methods, which can reconstruct both the 3D geometry and texture from multiple images, have been rapidly developed and extensively investigated from the feature engineerin…
HgCdTe avalanche photodiodes (APDs) are used in mid-wavelength infrared (MWIR) photoelectric detectors in free-space optical communication, three-dimensional light detection, and ranging. Although …
In recent decades, the advance of information technology and abundant personal data facilitate the application of algorithmic personalized pricing. However, this leads to the growing concern of pot…
To simultaneously estimate the number of heads and locate heads with bounding boxes, we resort to detection-based crowd counting by leveraging RGB-D data and design a dual-path guided detection net…
A photonic multi-format background-free binarily modulated microwave signal generator using a single dual-polarization dual-parallel Mach–Zehnder modulator is proposed and demonstrated. The propo…
Neural networks have achieved remarkable successes in machine learning tasks. This has recently been extended to graph learning using neural networks. However, there is limited theoretical work in …
In this paper, we study a capacitated production-distribution problem where facility location, production, and distribution decisions are tightly coupled and simultaneously considered in the optima…
For multiple change-points detection of high-dimensional time series, we provide asymptotic theory concerning the consistency and the asymptotic distribution of the breakpoint statistics and estima…
We consider the problem of a firm seeking to use personalized pricing to sell an exogenously given stock of a product over a finite selling horizon to different consumer types. We assume that the t…