We proposed and established a large-capacity, long-distance wireless millimeter-wave (mm-wave) signal delivery system at W-band based on photonics-aided mm-wave generation technology, polarization-…
We designed and fabricated a silicon photonic orbital angular momentum (OAM) multiplexer (MUX) chip that enables simultaneous wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) and OAM mode-division multiplexi…
Reservoir computing (RC) is a novel computational framework derived from recurrent neural networks (RNN). It can reduce the training complexity of RNN and is suitable for time-series learning tasks…
Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGANs) have enabled controllable image synthesis for many vision and graphics applications. However, recent cGANs are 1-2 orders of magnitude more compu…
We put forward and present a demonstration of an actively controlled optical beam steering optical wireless communication (OWC) system based on an integrated actively steerable optical phased array…
We present a long distance distributed strain sensing in optical frequency domain reflectometry (OFDR) by shape-adaptive principal component analysis Block-Matching three-dimensional filter (BM3D-S…
Ghost peaks refer to these peaks on backscattering trace measured by a reflectometer similar to Fresnel reflection peaks appearing at the position of non-reflection events in optical fiber or optic…
The monitoring of electric current is essential to ensuring the reliable operation of power systems and electronic equipment. The present study demonstrates an optomechanical cavity-based resonator…
In this work, a perturbation-based neural network (P-NN) scheme with an embedded bidirectional long short-term memory (biLSTM) layer is investigated to compensate for the Kerr fiber nonlinearity in…
To overcome increasing traffic, provide various new services, further ensure safety and security, and significantly improve travel comfort, a new communication system for railways is required. Sinc…