A range of frequencies supporting low path loss ducting over microwave links at beyond-line-of-sight distances beyond 100 km have been demonstrated theoretically and experimentally. Three experimen…
Semiconductor lasers are widely used in incoherent/coherent optical communications, optical fiber sensing, and lidar due to their small size, high efficiency, and immunity to vibrations. To support…
One-stage object detectors are trained by optimizing classification-loss and localization-loss simultaneously, with the former suffering much from extreme foreground-background class imbalance issu…
An improved current-modulated cavity ring-down spectroscopy(CRDS) approach is proposed and the experimental results reported in this article. The step-wise fine current modulation is imposed on the…
In this paper, an efficient photonics time-delayed mixer (PTDM) is proposed and demonstrated. It mainly consists of a dual-parallel Mach-Zehnder modulator (DPMZM) and a dispersion medium (DM). To e…