Combining individual p-values to perform an overall test is often encountered in statistical applications. The Cauchy combination test (CCT) (Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2020, …
Acoustically-induced fiber gratings (AIFGs) can be employed as the main device to achieve wide-range, time-linear, and fast wavelength tunability of various lasers, due to their fast spectral respo…
Compared to many other dense prediction tasks, e.g., semantic segmentation, it is the arbitrary number of instances that has made instance segmentation much more challenging. In order to predict a …
This paper introduces video domain generalization where most video classification networks degenerate due to the lack of exposure to the target domains of divergent distributions. We observe that t…
In he past decade, object detection has achieved significant progress in natural images but not in aerial images, due to the massive variations in the scale and orientation of objects caused by the…
Binarized neural networks (BNNs) have drawn significant attention in recent years, owing to great potential in reducing computation and storage consumption. While it is attractive, traditional BNNs…
Dimension reduction is a critical technology for high-dimensional data processing, where Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and its variants are effective supervised methods. However, LDA prefers t…
Dissipative Kerr cavity soliton and optical frequency comb (OFC) can be generated in fiber cavities or microresonators with anomalous group velocity dispersion (GVD), which has achieved great break…
Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) have demonstrated the potential to recover realistic details for single image super-resolution (SISR). To further improve the visual quality of super-resolved …