Chaos wavelength division multiplexing is a key technology to solve incompatibility between chaos secure communication and large capacity fiber data transmission. However, the existing integrated c…
With the development of signal processing technology, the ubiquitous Wi-Fi devices open an unprecedented opportunity to solve the challenging human gesture recognition problem by learning motion re…
We consider the convex-concave saddle point problem , where the decision variables and/or are subject to certain multi-block structure and affine coupling constraints, and possesses certain separa…
HgCdTe avalanche photodiodes (APDs) are used in mid-wavelength infrared (MWIR) photoelectric detectors in free-space optical communication, three-dimensional light detection, and ranging. Although …
Tactile sensation is one of the critical ways humans perceive the world and is fundamental for the interaction with the surroundings. The development of haptic sensors can enable us to extend and t…
We propose and demonstrate a plastic photonic synapse to achieve all-optical synaptic plasticity based on the potentiated and depressed dynamics in commercially available vertical-cavity semiconduc…
We propose a novel security enhancement technique for physical layer secure orthogonal frequency division multiplexed-based passive optical network (OFDM-PON) using chaotic Hilbert motion. By using…
We propose a unified game-theoretical framework to perform classification and conditional image generation given limited supervision. It is formulated as a three-player minimax game consisting of a…
With the unprecedented developments in deep learning, automatic segmentation of main abdominal organs seems to be a solved problem as state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods have achieved comparable result…
The purpose of this study is to present a security system that combines PDM and SDM and is based on the flexible configuration of multi-channel keys. The proposed system will utilize three distinct…