Coherent detection has the primary advantage of optical field recovery, which enables channel impairment compensation and advanced modulation formats for high-capacity transmission. On the other ha…
Firms often register trademarks as they launch new products or services. We find that the number of new trademark registrations positively predicts firm profitability, stock returns, and underreact…
Given the unconfoundedness assumption, we propose new nonparametric estimators for the reduced dimensional conditional average treatment effect (CATE) function. In the first stage, the nuisance fun…
Given the importance of backtesting risk models and forecasts for financial institutions and regulators, we develop an efficient empirical likelihood backtest for either conditional value-at-risk o…
We demonstrated a mode-controllable fiber laser system with output power of 1.4 kW level. The system consists of a kilowatt-scale master oscillator power amplifier and an active feedback control sy…
We present numerical and theoretical analysis of the tunable electromagnetically induced transparency-like (EIT-like) effect based on graphene metasurfaces. The unit cells of metasurfaces are compo…
We provide a polynomial time cutting plane algorithm based on split cuts to solve integer programs in the plane. We also prove that the split closure of a polyhedron in the plane has polynomial siz…
A wideband microwave photonic phase shifter (MPPS) based on a dual-polarization dual-parallel Mach-Zehnder modulator (DP-DPMZM) is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The proposed system has …