Determining how to add more signal channels without enlarging the cable volume is continually an issue in managing submarine cables. To improve the cost per bit and the power efficiency, space divi…
Transfer learning (TL) has been demonstrated its feasibility on fast remodeling for fiber nonlinearity equalization. It will be very efficient with fine-tuning rather than retraining when the chann…
Standard coherent communication technology is being introduced to short-reach optical communications to further scale the link throughput by leveraging more degrees of freedom of an optical channel…
This paper addresses the problem of reconstructing 3D poses of multiple people from a few calibrated camera views. The main challenge of this problem is to find the cross-view correspondences among…
State-of-the-art methods for driving-scene LiDAR-based perception (including point cloud semantic segmentation, panoptic segmentation and 3D detection, etc .) often project the point clouds to 2D s…
Cross-modal retrieval has recently attracted growing attention, which aims to match instances captured from different modalities. The performance of cross-modal retrieval methods heavily relies on …
The multipoint expected improvement (EI) criterion is a well-defined parallel infill criterion for expensive optimization. However, the exact calculation of the classical multipoint EI involves eva…
Firms offer a variety of products to meet different customer needs. In many horizontally differentiated markets, prices are stable, and firms make infrequent adjustments to their product lines. Alt…
Optic fiber sensors for refractive index (RI) measurement have brought about widespread attention in an extensive range owing to their unique properties. In this paper, we theoretically analyzed an…
This paper addresses the problem of instance-level 6DoF object pose estimation from a single RGB image. Many recent works have shown that a two-stage approach, which first detects keypoints and the…