We propose and demonstrate bi-directional (BiDi) self-homodyne coherent detection (SHCD) system experimentally, in which the multiple input multiple output free (MIMO-free) digital signal processin…
Orbital angular momentum (OAM) is a fundamental property of electromagnetic waves and is inherently carried by all frequencies of waves. In particular, OAM applications at radio frequencies (RFs) h…
The coherent digital subcarrier multiplexing (DSCM) has recently been proposed as a cost saving solution to realize flexible and scalable point-to-multipoint (PTMP) networks. In this work, a hardwa…
By combing photonics and radiofrequency (RF) engineering, microwave photonics has been widely studied in the past few decades for the generation, processing, control and distribution of microwave a…
Rapid advance of sensor technology is facilitating the collection of high-dimensional data streams (HDS). Apart from real-time detection of potential out-of-control (OC) patterns, post-signal fault…
Chromatic dispersion enhanced spectrum aliasing, a nonlinear effect in the frequency domain, is theoretically analyzed under symbol-rate sampling conditions, and the relationship between its nonlin…
Slow light topological photonic crystal waveguide offers an attractive platform for enhancing light-matter interaction. We design a slow light rainbow trapping based on translational valley photoni…
Cameras, Computer Vision, Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence, Feature Extraction, Image Representation, Video Surveillance, Person Re Identification, Nonoverlapping Cameras, Deep Neural Networks…
For the digital subcarriermultiplexing (DSM) transmission, it is compulsory to realize the frequency offset estimation (FOE) and compensation (FOC) before the subcarrier de-multiplexing and the chr…
The key idea of this work is to treat the symbol- pattern-dependent inter-symbol-interference (ISI) that is avoided in conventional single-symbol modulation systems as useful symbol correlation, in…