Imagine you want to send money to a friend overseas. Wouldn’t it be good if you didn’t have to pay hefty fees to the intermediaries, and your friend received the funds very quickly? Now imagine…
The structured beams, which can manipulate arbitrary intensity and phase of electromagnetic rays, are significant in communication and sensing. The vortex electromagnetic wave carrying orbital angu…
Sensors that use Pound-Drever-Hall (PDH) technology benefit from the good performance and high resolution but are in shortage of large-scale multiplexing. This paper proposed a fast phase regulatio…
Tactile sensation is one of the critical ways humans perceive the world and is fundamental for the interaction with the surroundings. The development of haptic sensors can enable us to extend and t…
Dissipative Kerr cavity soliton and optical frequency comb (OFC) can be generated in fiber cavities or microresonators with anomalous group velocity dispersion (GVD), which has achieved great break…
Visible light communication (VLC) has emerged as a promising communication method in the special field of 6G, such as intersatellite communication (ISC) and underwater wireless optical communicatio…
Very deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have greatly improved the performance on various image restoration tasks. However, this comes at a price of increasing computational burden, hence lim…
Transfer learning (TL) has been demonstrated its feasibility on fast remodeling for fiber nonlinearity equalization. It will be very efficient with fine-tuning rather than retraining when the chann…
Mammogram mass detection is crucial for diagnosing and preventing the breast cancers in clinical practice. The complementary effect of multi-view mammogram images provides valuable information abou…
The enormous traffic growth sets a stringent requirement to upgrade short-reach optical links to 1.6 TbE capacity in an economically viable way. The power consumption and latency in these links sho…