We demonstrate an optical underwater acoustic sensor with high sensitivity and broad bandwidth (10 Hz to 100 kHz), based on the packaged optical microbubble whispering gallery mode resonator, for t…
High-power narrow-linewidth continuous fiber lasers have wide applications in the fields of power synthesis, nonlinear frequency conversion, and industrial processing. The output power of kW or eve…
Acoustically-induced fiber gratings (AIFGs) can be employed as the main device to achieve wide-range, time-linear, and fast wavelength tunability of various lasers, due to their fast spectral respo…
The filtering parameters of non-local means (NLM) that seriously affect the denoising results are usually optimized based on the noise level estimation. But the noise level is unknown in many cases…
We present a high-power, polarization-maintaining (PM) Er 3+ -doped fluoride fiber amplifier, which enables watt- level, linearly-polarized (LP) superfluorescent outputs around 2.8 μm by using a n…
With the development of signal processing technology, the ubiquitous Wi-Fi devices open an unprecedented opportunity to solve the challenging human gesture recognition problem by learning motion re…
We are concerned with using user-tagged images to learn proper hashing functions for image retrieval. The benefits are two-fold: (1) we could obtain abundant training data for deep hashing models; …
Franchise merupakan pola bisnis yang berkembang pesat karena ditopang oleh gaya hidup masyarakat yang semakin selektif dan mengutamakan mutu dalam memperoleh pelayanan barang dan jasa. Perkembangan…
Enhancing the diversity of sentences to describe video contents is an important problem arising in recent video captioning research. In this paper, we explore this problem from a novel perspective …
Self-torque has recently been observed as a novel property of light that features time-varying orbital angular momentum (OAM) along a light pulse. This property offers an additional degree of freed…