Determining how to add more signal channels without enlarging the cable volume is continually an issue in managing submarine cables. To improve the cost per bit and the power efficiency, space divi…
Dissipative Kerr cavity soliton and optical frequency comb (OFC) can be generated in fiber cavities or microresonators with anomalous group velocity dispersion (GVD), which has achieved great break…
Single soliton microcombs enable the chip-scaled comb source with an extremely high repetition rate suitable for many applications. However, it is challenging to deterministically generate a single…
A PDE-ODE coupled dynamic model is proposed to describe the asymmetric competition for light and nutrients between producers in a poorly mixed pelagic habitat and producers in a well-mixed benthic …
With the unprecedented developments in deep learning, automatic segmentation of main abdominal organs seems to be a solved problem as state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods have achieved comparable result…
The exponential growth in data-driven applications like artificial intelligence and metaverse poses an increasing demand for integrated optical interconnects with efficient and cost-effective high-…
A microwave photonic phase detector (MPPD) for simultaneous synchronization of two independent microwave sources to a single mode-locked laser (MLL) with femtosecond-level residual timing jitters i…
An approach to generating periodic spiking and spiking cluster in a broadband nonlinear opto-electronic oscillator (OEO) is proposed and demonstrated. Through injecting a long-duration square-wave …
Many practical multiobjective optimization problems have a nested bilevel structure in variables, which can be modeled as bilevel multiobjective optimization problems (BLMOPs). In this article, a c…
Real-time holographic video communications enable immersive experiences for next-generation video services in the future metaverse era. However, high-fidelity holographic videos require high bandwi…