Link prediction aims at inferring missing links or predicting future ones based on the currently observed network. This topic is important for many applications such as social media, bioinformatics…
A coherent optical frequency comb with a gigahertz line spacing is important in diverse fields, such as calibration of astronomical spectrographs and wavelength division multiplexing optical commun…
Silicon photonic sensors have formed a favorable platform for various sensing applications due to the great advantages of high-performance, compactness, and large-scale integration capability. Howe…
Hypergraph learning is a technique for conducting learning on a hypergraph structure. In recent years, hypergraph learning has attracted increasing attention due to its flexibility and capability i…
Online image hashing has received increasing research attention recently, which processes large-scale data in a streaming fashion to update the hash functions on-the-fly. To this end, most existing…
A highly sensitive hybrid structure sensor based on suspended-core fiber (SCF) is proposed for vector curvature and temperature measurement. The sensor is prepared by self-assembly of SCF-based cas…
In this paper, we propose a deep reinforcement learning (DRL)-based algorithm to generate policies of Baseband Function (BBF) placement and routing. In order to explore the performance of the propo…
Thin film lithium niobate on insulator (LNOI), as an emerging photonic material, provides a promising platform to realize compact, high-speed, and high-efficient electro-optic (EO) modulators. Howe…
Deep embedding learning plays a key role in learning discriminative feature representations, where the visually similar samples are pulled closer and dissimilar samples are pushed away in the low-d…
Cooperative dynamic bandwidth allocation (CO-DBA) enables time division multiplexed passive optical network (TDM-PON) to become a possible solution for mobile fronthaul. Meanwhile, status-report DB…