A methodology for incorporating uncertainties and multiple objectives in the computer-aided design of seismic resistant steel structures
This dissertation focuses on the development and preliminary testing of a
methodology for the probabilistic limit stales design of seismic-resistant steel
structures. Emphasis is placed on the formulation of a mechanism which allows
a designer to include the effects of uncertainties and multiple design objectives
in an optimization-based design process.
Sources of uncertainty in the seismic design environment are identified
and described. The concept of [GOOD,BAD] and [HIGH,LOW] preference pairs is
proposed as a mechanism for allowing a designer to impart aspects of his or her
engineering judgement and intuitive knowledge to the design process. Scaling
procedures for combining the aforementioned effects. and the statistics of
frame response into a single design entity called designer dissatisJactiAn are
The design method is demonstrated via the design of a three story. single
bay, moment resistant steel frame using a computer-aided design system called
DELIGHT.STRUCT. Linear and non-linear time history analyses are built into the
design procedure itself rather tban serving as a check at the end of tbe design
process. The frame's performance is assessed on the basis of its statistical
response to gravity loads alone. gravity loads plus a family of moderate eartht
quakes and finally gravity loads combined with an ensemble of rare severe
earthquake ground motions. Design objectives include the frame volume.
minimum story drifts and maximum hysteretically dissipated energy. The
Phase J-U-Ill Method of Feasible Directions is used to solve the constrained
optimization problem. Examples are presented to demonstrate the proposed
method for a selection of single design objective and multiple design objective
problems having various design parameter layouts.
Barcode | Tipe Koleksi | Nomor Panggil | Lokasi | Status | |
41341 | FC - FTS | Buku | 693.852 028 5 AUS m | Gdg9-Lt2 | Tersedia |
41342 | FC - FTS | Buku | 693.852 028 5 AUS m | Gdg9-Lt2 | Tersedia |
41343 | FC - FTS | Buku | 693.852 028 5 AUS m | Gdg9-Lt2 | Tersedia |
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