Gaya APA

Duff, Iain S., Pralet, Stephane. (). Towards Stable Mixed Pivoting Strategies for the Sequential and Parallel Solution of Sparse Symmetric Indefinite Systems . : .

Gaya Chicago

Duff, Iain S., Pralet, Stephane. Towards Stable Mixed Pivoting Strategies for the Sequential and Parallel Solution of Sparse Symmetric Indefinite Systems. : , . Text.

Gaya MLA

Duff, Iain S., Pralet, Stephane. Towards Stable Mixed Pivoting Strategies for the Sequential and Parallel Solution of Sparse Symmetric Indefinite Systems. : , . Text.

Gaya Turabian

Duff, Iain S., Pralet, Stephane. Towards Stable Mixed Pivoting Strategies for the Sequential and Parallel Solution of Sparse Symmetric Indefinite Systems. : , . Print.