Gaya APA

Jeske, D. R, Lockhart, R. A, Stephens, M. A, Q, Zhang. (). Cramer-von mises tests for the compatibility of two software operating environments . : .

Gaya Chicago

Jeske, D. R, Lockhart, R. A, Stephens, M. A, Q, Zhang. Cramer-von mises tests for the compatibility of two software operating environments. : , . Text.

Gaya MLA

Jeske, D. R, Lockhart, R. A, Stephens, M. A, Q, Zhang. Cramer-von mises tests for the compatibility of two software operating environments. : , . Text.

Gaya Turabian

Jeske, D. R, Lockhart, R. A, Stephens, M. A, Q, Zhang. Cramer-von mises tests for the compatibility of two software operating environments. : , . Print.