Gaya APA
Chao, Raul O, Kavadias, Stylianos, Gaimon, Cheryl. ().
Revenue driven resource allocation : Funding authority, incentives, and new product development protfolio management .
Gaya Chicago
Chao, Raul O, Kavadias, Stylianos, Gaimon, Cheryl.
Revenue driven resource allocation : Funding authority, incentives, and new product development protfolio management.
Gaya MLA
Chao, Raul O, Kavadias, Stylianos, Gaimon, Cheryl.
Revenue driven resource allocation : Funding authority, incentives, and new product development protfolio management.
Gaya Turabian
Chao, Raul O, Kavadias, Stylianos, Gaimon, Cheryl.
Revenue driven resource allocation : Funding authority, incentives, and new product development protfolio management.