Gaya APA
Cadman, Brian, Klasa, Sandy, Matsunaga, Steve. ().
Determinants of CEO pay : A comparison of execuComp and non-execucomp firms .
Gaya Chicago
Cadman, Brian, Klasa, Sandy, Matsunaga, Steve.
Determinants of CEO pay : A comparison of execuComp and non-execucomp firms.
Gaya MLA
Cadman, Brian, Klasa, Sandy, Matsunaga, Steve.
Determinants of CEO pay : A comparison of execuComp and non-execucomp firms.
Gaya Turabian
Cadman, Brian, Klasa, Sandy, Matsunaga, Steve.
Determinants of CEO pay : A comparison of execuComp and non-execucomp firms.