Gaya APA

Bu-Peow Ng, Terence, Shankar, Premila Gowri. (). Effects of technical department's advice, quality assessment standards, and client justifications on auditors' prosensity to accept client-preferred accounting methods . : .

Gaya Chicago

Bu-Peow Ng, Terence, Shankar, Premila Gowri. Effects of technical department's advice, quality assessment standards, and client justifications on auditors' prosensity to accept client-preferred accounting methods. : , . Text.

Gaya MLA

Bu-Peow Ng, Terence, Shankar, Premila Gowri. Effects of technical department's advice, quality assessment standards, and client justifications on auditors' prosensity to accept client-preferred accounting methods. : , . Text.

Gaya Turabian

Bu-Peow Ng, Terence, Shankar, Premila Gowri. Effects of technical department's advice, quality assessment standards, and client justifications on auditors' prosensity to accept client-preferred accounting methods. : , . Print.