Gaya APA

Nursey-Bray, Melissa, Haugstetter, Hilary. (). More than a marriage of convergence : The convergence of management and indigenous educational practice . : .

Gaya Chicago

Nursey-Bray, Melissa, Haugstetter, Hilary. More than a marriage of convergence : The convergence of management and indigenous educational practice. : , . Text.

Gaya MLA

Nursey-Bray, Melissa, Haugstetter, Hilary. More than a marriage of convergence : The convergence of management and indigenous educational practice. : , . Text.

Gaya Turabian

Nursey-Bray, Melissa, Haugstetter, Hilary. More than a marriage of convergence : The convergence of management and indigenous educational practice. : , . Print.