Gaya APA

Takeuchi, Keigo, Muller, Ralf R., Vehkapera, Mikko, Tanaka, Toshiyuki. (). Large-System Analysis of Joint Channel and Data Estimation for MIMO DS-CDMA Sysytems . : .

Gaya Chicago

Takeuchi, Keigo, Muller, Ralf R., Vehkapera, Mikko, Tanaka, Toshiyuki. Large-System Analysis of Joint Channel and Data Estimation for MIMO DS-CDMA Sysytems. : , . Text.

Gaya MLA

Takeuchi, Keigo, Muller, Ralf R., Vehkapera, Mikko, Tanaka, Toshiyuki. Large-System Analysis of Joint Channel and Data Estimation for MIMO DS-CDMA Sysytems. : , . Text.

Gaya Turabian

Takeuchi, Keigo, Muller, Ralf R., Vehkapera, Mikko, Tanaka, Toshiyuki. Large-System Analysis of Joint Channel and Data Estimation for MIMO DS-CDMA Sysytems. : , . Print.