Gaya APA
Bodmann, Bernhard G., Liner, Christopher L.. ().
Spikes, Roots, and Aliasing : Recovering Bandlimited Signals from Boots of the Short-Time Fourier Transform .
Gaya Chicago
Bodmann, Bernhard G., Liner, Christopher L..
Spikes, Roots, and Aliasing : Recovering Bandlimited Signals from Boots of the Short-Time Fourier Transform.
Gaya MLA
Bodmann, Bernhard G., Liner, Christopher L..
Spikes, Roots, and Aliasing : Recovering Bandlimited Signals from Boots of the Short-Time Fourier Transform.
Gaya Turabian
Bodmann, Bernhard G., Liner, Christopher L..
Spikes, Roots, and Aliasing : Recovering Bandlimited Signals from Boots of the Short-Time Fourier Transform.