Gaya APA

Erat, Sanjiv, Kavadias, Stylianos, Gaimon, Cheryl. (). The pitfalls of subsystem integration ; When less is more . : .

Gaya Chicago

Erat, Sanjiv, Kavadias, Stylianos, Gaimon, Cheryl. The pitfalls of subsystem integration ; When less is more. : , . Text.

Gaya MLA

Erat, Sanjiv, Kavadias, Stylianos, Gaimon, Cheryl. The pitfalls of subsystem integration ; When less is more. : , . Text.

Gaya Turabian

Erat, Sanjiv, Kavadias, Stylianos, Gaimon, Cheryl. The pitfalls of subsystem integration ; When less is more. : , . Print.