Gaya APA

Sofka, Wolfgang, Faria, Pedro de, Preto, Miguel Torres. (). MNC Subsidiary Closures: What is the Value of Employees Human Capital in new Jobs? . : .

Gaya Chicago

Sofka, Wolfgang, Faria, Pedro de, Preto, Miguel Torres. MNC Subsidiary Closures: What is the Value of Employees Human Capital in new Jobs?. : , . Text.

Gaya MLA

Sofka, Wolfgang, Faria, Pedro de, Preto, Miguel Torres. MNC Subsidiary Closures: What is the Value of Employees Human Capital in new Jobs?. : , . Text.

Gaya Turabian

Sofka, Wolfgang, Faria, Pedro de, Preto, Miguel Torres. MNC Subsidiary Closures: What is the Value of Employees Human Capital in new Jobs?. : , . Print.