Gaya APA

Pollack, P., Vandeheym, J.. (). Besicovitch, Bisection, and the Normality of 0.(1) (4) (9) (16) (25) . . . . : .

Gaya Chicago

Pollack, P., Vandeheym, J.. Besicovitch, Bisection, and the Normality of 0.(1) (4) (9) (16) (25) . . .. : , . Text.

Gaya MLA

Pollack, P., Vandeheym, J.. Besicovitch, Bisection, and the Normality of 0.(1) (4) (9) (16) (25) . . .. : , . Text.

Gaya Turabian

Pollack, P., Vandeheym, J.. Besicovitch, Bisection, and the Normality of 0.(1) (4) (9) (16) (25) . . .. : , . Print.