Gaya APA

Feldman, Martha S., Pentland, Brian T., D'Adderio, Luciana, Lazaric, Nathalie. (). Beyond routines as things : introduction to the special issue on routine dynamics . : .

Gaya Chicago

Feldman, Martha S., Pentland, Brian T., D'Adderio, Luciana, Lazaric, Nathalie. Beyond routines as things : introduction to the special issue on routine dynamics. : , . Text.

Gaya MLA

Feldman, Martha S., Pentland, Brian T., D'Adderio, Luciana, Lazaric, Nathalie. Beyond routines as things : introduction to the special issue on routine dynamics. : , . Text.

Gaya Turabian

Feldman, Martha S., Pentland, Brian T., D'Adderio, Luciana, Lazaric, Nathalie. Beyond routines as things : introduction to the special issue on routine dynamics. : , . Print.