Gaya APA

Hajati, Sri, Winarsi, Sri, Moechthar, Oemar. (). The Existence of Adat Land Post Enactment of Law Number 6 Year 2014 on Village . : .

Gaya Chicago

Hajati, Sri, Winarsi, Sri, Moechthar, Oemar. The Existence of Adat Land Post Enactment of Law Number 6 Year 2014 on Village. : , . Text.

Gaya MLA

Hajati, Sri, Winarsi, Sri, Moechthar, Oemar. The Existence of Adat Land Post Enactment of Law Number 6 Year 2014 on Village. : , . Text.

Gaya Turabian

Hajati, Sri, Winarsi, Sri, Moechthar, Oemar. The Existence of Adat Land Post Enactment of Law Number 6 Year 2014 on Village. : , . Print.