Gaya APA

Kleinke, Kristian. (). Multiple Imputation Under Violated Distributional Assumptions : A Systematic Evaluation of the Assumed Robustness of Predictive Mean Matching . : .

Gaya Chicago

Kleinke, Kristian. Multiple Imputation Under Violated Distributional Assumptions : A Systematic Evaluation of the Assumed Robustness of Predictive Mean Matching. : , . Text.

Gaya MLA

Kleinke, Kristian. Multiple Imputation Under Violated Distributional Assumptions : A Systematic Evaluation of the Assumed Robustness of Predictive Mean Matching. : , . Text.

Gaya Turabian

Kleinke, Kristian. Multiple Imputation Under Violated Distributional Assumptions : A Systematic Evaluation of the Assumed Robustness of Predictive Mean Matching. : , . Print.