Gaya APA
Rozaqi, Latif, Rijanto, Estiko, Kanarachos, Stratis. ().
Comparison Between RLS-GA and RLS-PSO for Li-ion Battery SOC and SOH Estimation: A Simulation Study .
Gaya Chicago
Rozaqi, Latif, Rijanto, Estiko, Kanarachos, Stratis.
Comparison Between RLS-GA and RLS-PSO for Li-ion Battery SOC and SOH Estimation: A Simulation Study.
Gaya MLA
Rozaqi, Latif, Rijanto, Estiko, Kanarachos, Stratis.
Comparison Between RLS-GA and RLS-PSO for Li-ion Battery SOC and SOH Estimation: A Simulation Study.
Gaya Turabian
Rozaqi, Latif, Rijanto, Estiko, Kanarachos, Stratis.
Comparison Between RLS-GA and RLS-PSO for Li-ion Battery SOC and SOH Estimation: A Simulation Study.