Gaya APA
Bowers, Anne, Prato, Matteo. ().
The Role of Third-Party Rankings in Status Dynamics : How Does the Stability of Rangkings Induce Status Changes? .
Gaya Chicago
Bowers, Anne, Prato, Matteo.
The Role of Third-Party Rankings in Status Dynamics : How Does the Stability of Rangkings Induce Status Changes?.
Gaya MLA
Bowers, Anne, Prato, Matteo.
The Role of Third-Party Rankings in Status Dynamics : How Does the Stability of Rangkings Induce Status Changes?.
Gaya Turabian
Bowers, Anne, Prato, Matteo.
The Role of Third-Party Rankings in Status Dynamics : How Does the Stability of Rangkings Induce Status Changes?.