Gaya APA

Marr, Jennifer Carson, Thau, Stefan, Pettit, Nathan. (). After the Fall : How Perceived Self-Control Protects the Legitimacy of Higher-Ranking Employees After Status Loss . : .

Gaya Chicago

Marr, Jennifer Carson, Thau, Stefan, Pettit, Nathan. After the Fall : How Perceived Self-Control Protects the Legitimacy of Higher-Ranking Employees After Status Loss. : , . Text.

Gaya MLA

Marr, Jennifer Carson, Thau, Stefan, Pettit, Nathan. After the Fall : How Perceived Self-Control Protects the Legitimacy of Higher-Ranking Employees After Status Loss. : , . Text.

Gaya Turabian

Marr, Jennifer Carson, Thau, Stefan, Pettit, Nathan. After the Fall : How Perceived Self-Control Protects the Legitimacy of Higher-Ranking Employees After Status Loss. : , . Print.