Gaya APA
Rietveld, Joost, Schilling, Melissa A., Bellavitis, Christiano. ().
Platform Strategy : Managing Ecosystem Value Through Selective Promotion of Complements .
Gaya Chicago
Rietveld, Joost, Schilling, Melissa A., Bellavitis, Christiano.
Platform Strategy : Managing Ecosystem Value Through Selective Promotion of Complements.
Gaya MLA
Rietveld, Joost, Schilling, Melissa A., Bellavitis, Christiano.
Platform Strategy : Managing Ecosystem Value Through Selective Promotion of Complements.
Gaya Turabian
Rietveld, Joost, Schilling, Melissa A., Bellavitis, Christiano.
Platform Strategy : Managing Ecosystem Value Through Selective Promotion of Complements.