Gaya APA

Piazza, Alessandro, Phillips, Damon J., Castellucci, Fabrizio. (). High-Status Affiliations and the Success of Entrants : New Bands and the Market for Live Music Performances, 2000-2012 . : .

Gaya Chicago

Piazza, Alessandro, Phillips, Damon J., Castellucci, Fabrizio. High-Status Affiliations and the Success of Entrants : New Bands and the Market for Live Music Performances, 2000-2012. : , . Text.

Gaya MLA

Piazza, Alessandro, Phillips, Damon J., Castellucci, Fabrizio. High-Status Affiliations and the Success of Entrants : New Bands and the Market for Live Music Performances, 2000-2012. : , . Text.

Gaya Turabian

Piazza, Alessandro, Phillips, Damon J., Castellucci, Fabrizio. High-Status Affiliations and the Success of Entrants : New Bands and the Market for Live Music Performances, 2000-2012. : , . Print.