Gaya APA
Arora, Ashish, Fosfuri, Andrea, Rende, Thomas. ().
Waiting for the Payday? The Market for Startups and the Timing of Entrepreneurial Exit .
Gaya Chicago
Arora, Ashish, Fosfuri, Andrea, Rende, Thomas.
Waiting for the Payday? The Market for Startups and the Timing of Entrepreneurial Exit.
Gaya MLA
Arora, Ashish, Fosfuri, Andrea, Rende, Thomas.
Waiting for the Payday? The Market for Startups and the Timing of Entrepreneurial Exit.
Gaya Turabian
Arora, Ashish, Fosfuri, Andrea, Rende, Thomas.
Waiting for the Payday? The Market for Startups and the Timing of Entrepreneurial Exit.