In he past decade, object detection has achieved significant progress in natural images but not in aerial images, due to the massive variations in the scale and orientation of objects caused by the…
The generation and updating of solutions, e.g., crossover and mutation, of many existing evolutionary algorithms directly operate on decision variables. The operators are very time consuming for la…
A typical coherent front-end may encounter imperfections, such as amplitude imbalance, phase imbalance and skew, between four sampling channels. These receiver (Rx) imperfections, together with tra…
Non-local low-rank tensor approximation has been developed as a state-of-the-art method for hyperspectral image (HSI) restoration, which includes the tasks of denoising, compressed HSI reconstructi…
In this work, we implement a complete probabilistic amplitude shaping (PAS) architecture on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) platform to study the interplay between probabilistic shaping (PS)…
Terahertz (THz) vortex beams carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM) with high purity and tunable topological charge (TC) will undoubtedly bring extraordinary capacities for advanced imaging or com…
This paper presents regional attraction of line segment maps, and hereby poses the problem of line segment detection (LSD) as a problem of region coloring. Given a line segment map, the proposed re…
A Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) sensor based on a four-core sapphire-derived fiber (FSDF) for bending sensing is proposed and demonstrated. The MZI is formed by splicing a coupled FSDF between …
Vortex beams have attracted much attention in recent years due to unique features of the phase or polarization singularity in the center part of beams. Various applications have been explored by th…