We propose a microwave photonic frequency measurement scheme based a dual-polarization dual-drive Mach-Zehnder modulator (DP-DDMZM) and frequency -to-time mapping. A compact frequency measurement s…
New systems and technologies, such as Internet-of-Things (IOT) may require high reliability and high accuracy indoor positioning and tracking of persons and devices in indoor areas. Among different…
In this work, we designed a novel hybrid of free-space optics (FSO) communication and intensity and wavelength division multiplexing (IWDM)-fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensor system over a single sha…
This article proposes a new measure of efficient price as a weighted average of bid and ask prices, where the weights are constructed from the bid-ask long-run relationships in a panel error-correc…
Enhancing the diversity of sentences to describe video contents is an important problem arising in recent video captioning research. In this paper, we explore this problem from a novel perspective …
Point cloud instance segmentation has achieved huge progress with the emergence of deep learning. However, these methods are usually data-hungry with expensive and time-consuming dense point cloud …
Monocular 3D object detection is an important task in autonomous driving. It can be easily intractable where there exists ego-car pose change w.r.t. ground plane. This is common due to the slight f…
HgCdTe avalanche photodiodes (APDs) are used in mid-wavelength infrared (MWIR) photoelectric detectors in free-space optical communication, three-dimensional light detection, and ranging. Although …
Facial expression recognition (FER) has received significant attention in the past decade with witnessed progress, but data inconsistencies among different FER datasets greatly hinder the generaliz…
We propose an approach to utilize the natural spider dragline silk (SDS) as a flexible light waveguide integrated into an optic device. SDS is utilized as an air-clad biocompatible light waveguide …