A 1.3 GHz repetition rate optically pumped passively mode-locked semiconductor disk laser with 5.5 ps pulse duration and 204 mW average output power at 978 nm wavelength was demonstrated. Main fact…
Policy optimization, which learns the policy of interest by maximizing the value function via large-scale optimization techniques, lies at the heart of modern reinforcement learning (RL). In additi…
Point cloud instance segmentation has achieved huge progress with the emergence of deep learning. However, these methods are usually data-hungry with expensive and time-consuming dense point cloud …
Dissipative Kerr cavity soliton and optical frequency comb (OFC) can be generated in fiber cavities or microresonators with anomalous group velocity dispersion (GVD), which has achieved great break…
Single-View depth estimation using the CNNs trained from unlabelled videos has shown significant promise. However, excellent results have mostly been obtained in street-scene driving scenarios, and…
Dispersive waves (DWs) are ubiquitous in nonlinear optical systems that host optical solitons. In particular, DWs in soliton fiber lasers have attracted continuous interest over the past decades si…
Transfer learning (TL) has been demonstrated its feasibility on fast remodeling for fiber nonlinearity equalization. It will be very efficient with fine-tuning rather than retraining when the chann…
Tunable Fabry-Perot (FP) filters are being increasingly employed in tunable fiber lasers for wavelength selection and tuning. To address single cavity restrictions on transmittivity and achieve nar…
The enormous traffic growth sets a stringent requirement to upgrade short-reach optical links to 1.6 TbE capacity in an economically viable way. The power consumption and latency in these links sho…
The various topologies, traffic patterns and cost targets of optical networks have prevented the deployment of end-to-end solutions across multi-domains, and the optimization of the network as a wh…