Accurate estimates of malaria vaccine efficacy require a reliable definition of a malaria case. However, the symptoms of clinical malaria are unspecific, overlapping with other childhood illnesses.…
In an observational study, to investigate the treatment effect, one common strategy is to match the control subjects to the treated subjects. The outcomes between the two groups are then compared a…
When investigators seek to estimate causal effects, they often assume that selection into treatment is based only on observed covariates. Under this identification strategy, analysts must adjust fo…
Absent randomization, causal conclusions gain strength if several independent evidence factors concur. We develop a method for constructing evidence factors from several instruments plus a direct c…
It is common to compare individualized treatment rules based on the value function, which is the expected potential outcome under the treatment rule. Although the value function is not point-identi…
We introduce the Theory and Methods Special Issue on Precision Medicine and Individualized Policy Discovery. The issue consists of four discussion papers, grouped into two pairs, and sixteen regula…