Confidence sets are of key importance in high-dimensional statistical inference. Under case–control study, a popular response-selective sampling design in medical study or econometrics, we consid…
Optical microresonators supported whispering gallery modes (WGMs) are one of the most cost-effective platforms for optical frequency comb generated due to their advantages of ultra-high quality ( Q…
Reducing the complexity of the pipeline of instance segmentation is crucial for real-world applications. This work addresses this issue by introducing an anchor-box free and single-shot instance se…
3D data that contains rich geometry information of objects and scenes is valuable for understanding 3D physical world. With the recent emergence of large-scale 3D datasets, it becomes increasingly …
Innovation is a contract-intensive economic activity in a world of incomplete contracts. We show that trust mitigates incomplete contracting and enhances innovation by acting as an informal contrac…
We consider a measurement constrained supervised learning problem, that is, (i) full sample of the predictors are given; (ii) the response observations are unavailable and expensive to measure. Thu…
Differentiable architecture search (DARTS) enables effective neural architecture search (NAS) using gradient descent, but suffers from high memory and computational costs. In this paper, we propose…