In he past decade, object detection has achieved significant progress in natural images but not in aerial images, due to the massive variations in the scale and orientation of objects caused by the…
Orbital angular momentum (OAM) is a fundamental property of electromagnetic waves and is inherently carried by all frequencies of waves. In particular, OAM applications at radio frequencies (RFs) h…
We demonstrate a new method for measuring the stimulated emission cross-section ( $\sigma _{s}$ ) of laser crystals for high-power solid-state lasers at working state using the relaxation oscillati…
We present a wideband balun-based microwave device for quantum manipulation of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond. The device employs a balun with multi-section Chebyshev impedance transformer to …
Recently, a popular line of research in face recognition is adopting margins in the well-established softmax loss function to maximize class separability. In this paper, we first introduce an Addit…
In the task of pedestrian trajectory prediction, social interaction could be one of the most complicated factors since it is difficult to be interpreted through simple rules. Recent studies have sh…
Reconstructing 3D human shape and pose from monocular images is challenging despite the promising results achieved by the most recent learning-based methods. The commonly occurred misalignment come…
Kebutuhan akan minyak kelapa sawit akan terus bertumbuh seiring dengan pertumbuhan penduduk dunia dan dapat diolah menjadi minyak masak, minyak industri, maupun bahan bakar sehingga membutuhkan pen…
A novel fast-response sensitivity-enhanced high-temperature all-fiber Fabry–Pérot high-pressure sensor formed with a hard-core diaphragm is proposed and demonstrated. The structure can effective…
Problem definition: This paper studies the sourcing of a monopoly firm that procures from multiple unreliable suppliers to meet its deterministic/price-dependent demand. The suppliers’ production…